Vikki's Words: Show your body some love

A little back story for you….. in 2018 I got in a bad car accident.  Could have been worse but I was left with some awful whiplash, a severe concussion and all the lovely stuff that goes with it!  Through Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Concussion Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Vision Therapy I began to recover slowly but surely.  All those aspects of therapy were essential to my recovery and over a year later I was starting to get back to doing things I used to do prior to the accident with less pain and discomfort.  However, I still had a long way to go with my recovery and in particular with my neck.  I couldn’t stand for long periods of time, hold things, drive etc. etc. without feeling the soreness the whiplash had created.  It was at this time one of my instructors was preparing to head to school for Osteopathy.  At the time she was teaching ELDOA TM at the studio and we knew that the weeks she was in school I would potentially have to jump in and teach ELDOA TM for her.  But, I wasn’t trained.  To be perfectly honest I was only going to get certified so I could cover for her.  I had no idea how much would change.

So, in November 2019 I headed off to Montreal to the Soma Institute to do my level 1 and 2 training.  I was going for 4 days, at the airport I wheeled my clothing bag and carried my laptop, etc. in a back pack.  Within just a couple minutes the familiar ache at my neck and shoulders settled in, bringing on the usual vicious headaches I had become accustomed to.  My seat on the plane was a welcome break from carrying my bags and I settled into the flight.  The first day of school was mind blowing, the anatomy was intense.  Survived the first day and returned the next morning.  Each day we were to start the training by doing a “workout”.  We were put through our paces doing a combination of ELDOA TM and Myofascial Stretching plus some other amazing movements.  As I lay in the back of a class of 30 strangers, we were placed into an ELDOA TM for the cervical spine (neck).  At the time I didn’t know that’s what it was as we hadn’t learned any of the ELDOA’s TM yet.  All of a sudden, I began to cry uncontrollably.  Tears just kept flowing down my face.  What I now understand is that the ELDOA TM was releasing all the tension in my neck that had built up from the car accident and I was having a physical and emotional response.  It was like this amazing last piece of my recovery puzzle.

That weekend when I found myself back at the airport, wheeling my suitcase and wearing my backpack, I had no neck pain, no head ache.

I went into the ELDOA TM course to cover for Ashley but I came out of it feeling my eyes had been opened wide.  If you haven’t tried ELDOA TM you should.  You may not have the incredible response I had; everyone’s body has a different story but you will be giving it a gift.