Many of you have probably heard of Barre Pilates or even gone to a class and if you've gone to a class you know what a great workout it is. But.... maybe you don't know just why it's so great and for those of you who have no idea what it is.... read on......
A few years back the phenomenon of Barre Pilates began, basically combining the principles of the Ballet Barre with Pilates and at A Lyrical Body also combining a fitness aspect.
So, what can you expect out of a Barre class? First off, there's music 🙂 Secondly, it's a lot of standing work. You use the barre to assist you with balance, as a piece to push body weight off of and often times to create tension when adding props like flexbands. The standing helps to improve your balance significantly. It also helps to improve your range of motion at the hip, knee and ankle joints.
At A Lyrical Body we also add in props like flexbands and weights to give your upper body a workout too. Who wants to leave with just their legs getting the workout? We'll often add an ab component too, let's face it we are a Pilates studio after all!
After leaving a Barre class you will mostly likely feel lots of quad and glute work but when taught well you will feel it all over the body.
So who can do Barre? Anyone. If you can stand up, you can do Barre. Classes can be varied in difficulty. More advanced classes tend to push your endurance and coordination more. You don't have to be a dancer to do Barre, it's fun for anyone.
You can also do Barre at home- use a chair. Check out our YouTube channel, just search A Lyrical Body Pilates and join in with a couple Barre exercises we've posted you can do at home.